2021 SME NEWS British Made Awards Packages
As the birthplace of the industrial revolution, and a leading nation in the manufacturing industry today, what better way to showcase the current movers and shakers of the manufacturing trade than with SME’s British Made Awards 2021! This year UK manufacturers have had to navigate a changing economy post-Brexit which has brought many challenges, but has also demonstrated the perseverance, tenacity and innovation of our nation’s greatest creators and makers. SME News is therefore proud to introduce the British Made Awards, to commend and spotlight only the best of British suppliers. The Packages Congratulations for making it to this stage of the competition. As a victor, SME News is delighted to offer you our basic press release items at no charge. This includes a completely complimentary entry in our official British Made Awards directory, and a copy of our official press release. As well as offering these items, we also have several commercial packages available, each are designed to enhance your award and offer you access to our widely distributed and sought-after publication. Please review at your leisure. Welcome To the British Made Awards hosted by SME NEWS BRITISH MADE AWARDS 2021
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