Greater London Enterprise Awards 2021

44 | Greater London Enterprise Awards 2021 The dedicated team of accountants that support Ionela and her firm work closely with the client to provide an unmatchable service, significantly saving them time and money. All team members at Accountants Together are licensed and certified accountants and aim to deliver with efficiency and commitment towards the client base. “We put a lot of value on diversity which is very important for our company,” she says. “At Accountants Together, we love that we have members of staff from different backgrounds as this helps us to understand, connect and work with clients from all over the world established in UK.” It is core values such as these that have helped the company gain the enviable accolade of Leading Experts in Business Budgeting & Forecasting 2021, as awarded by SME News in the Greater London Enterprise Awards 2021. With regards to the future, Ionela believes that being based in London is key to the firm’s success. She has witnessed trends emerging as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, such as remote working and an increase in technology adoption within businesses. Contact: Mrs Ionela Papaj and Mrs Victoria Romanova Company: Accountants Together Web Address: Dedicated to meeting a business’ accounting needs, Accountants Together works towards the common goal of helping a company to prosper. We speak to Ionela Papaj about the firm and what it is that gives it the edge over competitors. Established in recent years, Accountants Together prides itself in building a powerful reputation by providing world-class business accounting services. In addition to traditional accountancy skills, the company has unique attributes, making companies prosper, by reducing operational costs and helping them to achieve their goals. Services offered include: the setup of new business bank accounts; tax return/self- assessment; financial statements/company accounts; VAT returns; bookkeeping/payroll; tax rebate/expense claims; consultations regarding HMRC on all matters; all CIS matters/rebates; and business plan/ strategy. “With a wealth of knowledge at our disposal, we focus on providing unparalleled service to all of our clients,” explains Ionela Papaj, founder of the firm. “We love what we do, and we take tremendous pride in what we do which reflects within our work ethic and results. For all our clients, we make sure that they are thoroughly informed throughout the whole process.” Ionela trained at Barnet and Southgate College and during this time she attained invaluable work experience ranging from accounts assistant to bookkeeping and IT. After completing college, she worked at KBM Chartered Certified Accountants and climbed the ladder from performing basic accounting tasks to excelling in more advanced levels of the industry. Ionela’s high levels of work experience has given her an insight into the world of work and, most notably, in the accounting field, where her passion lies. She is an accomplished individual, boasting many qualifications, and a drive to Leading Experts in Business Budgeting & Forecasting 2021 pursue and achieve more for herself and the people associated with her. “Our approach is meeting the business goals of our clients,” she elaborates, explaining what it is that sets the firm aside from its competitors. “With our active commitment, we provide the best-in- class accounting services.” Jul21263