Greater London Enterprise Awards 2021

6 | Greater London Enterprise Awards 2021 as allowing businesses to execute new orders at lightning speeds. Teams that work with Fluid are teams that achieve their objectives more quickly. With clients across the globe, from the UK, USA, Canada, and South Africa, including well-known brands such as Herbalife, Investec UK and Santander to name but a few, it’s easy to see why the business has become such a success. For the team, this success is no great surprise. Since the company first opened its doors, they have maintained a strong set of core values that keep them driving forward to this day. First and foremost is the importance of people. Staff and clients always come before everything else and the team ensure this by treating everyone involved in a project, on all sides, with respect and by being determined to go the extra mile at all times. The team’s operations are, by necessity, transparent. When is adopted by a business, it is vital that they trust the team to deliver a solution that they can rely on. Any issues, big or small, must be dealt with quickly and effectively. This determination to achieve transparency is driven too by a desire to be principled and motivated at all times. True business innovation is difficult to achieve, and can only be done by looking to do the right thing for the greater good of the community as a whole. While mistakes might be made along the way, the strong values of the team mean that they are able to assist each other where it is needed. The last year and a half have pushed these values to the limit, and acted as a vital reference point in the difficult decisions brought about by the change in working that the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated. This change was not just true of the team, but of the companies who they have spent so long supporting. Many businesses needed to move their processes online to a cloud-hosted solution, which would allow many of their team members to work from home and thus ensure that productivity did not waver. Because allows not only for great productivity management, but for strong virtual collaboration, it became the provider of choice for many. The team’s ability to adapt to the specific needs of the client have proven to be an asset to many in this crisis. Unlike some solution providers, the team don’t just offer a single option and move on. They collaborate closely to ensure that their clients get the most that they possibly can out of a solution. This strong relationship is what keeps people coming back for more than this incredible firm. The team’s achievement in the Greater London Awards reflects the benefits of working in the UK’s capital. It’s a hub for businesses not just across the country, but around the world as well. Most large international banks and financial institutions have offices there, and are looking for time saving resources such as those from Fluid. work. When organisations look to for an effective business solution, it pays to have a London postcode. Put simply, they know that this is a firm that understands the demands of businesses of every scale, and this is what draws people in. Needless to say, the culture of is one which embraces fluidity in every respect. The operation is one which explores the possibilities of a project, working casually, opening and in a fun way. The key has always been productivity, as opposed to hours put in. If the work is completed to a high standard, putting clients and staff first, then the day has been a success for all. The people who thrive at are those who are not only innovative on the same level as the astonishing team, but who put the company, people and staff above all else. only succeeds because it works as a team, and ensuring that all the parts of the team are pushing in the same direction is vital to the business’s continued success. The future for, and the Future Business Solutions team, seems bright indeed, with the business proudly going from strength to strength. The team are delighted to have signed on a few new large enterprise clients, and are working alongside many UK national firms to join the train. To reflect the demand for the team’s services, is currently exploring various options for possible funding rounds. More investment will allow the firm and its incredible staff to really channel their efforts into making sure that the company’s growth is exponential. Working in business is no easy task, and it pays to ensure that when you do so, you’re always looking for the easy way to get the best possible return on investment. is an invaluable resource that makes life easier for everyone within a business. Its impressive ability to oversee a project in as simplified as form as possible in a boon to all involved. What sets them apart, however, is their commitment to innovation in every way. It has allowed the team to move agilely through the challenges of the last year and develop new solutions to meet the needs of their clients. It’s a stunning success, and worthy of celebration in the Greater London Enterprise Awards 2021. Company: Fluid Business Solutions Ltd UK Name: Jared Whitaker Email: [email protected] Web Address: