Greater London Enterprise Awards 2022

Greater London Enterprise Awards 2022 | 7 Most Innovative Insurance Provider 2022 Right now, the Financial Lines market is seeing great change due to these emerging industries and sectors. With the time now being right for Frontier and its supporting capacity providers to capitalise on its growth, it has created itself the opportunity to propel itself to further success, able to forecast a long-term vision of being a global leader in Financial Lines underwriting. These changes, and further future changes, will require underwriters who are not only at the top of their field but ahead of it. Frontier prides itself on identifying trends ahead of time and assuming the knowledge required to service these new and emerging industries and risks better than their competitors. Indeed, lack of experience and discipline generates the worst underwriting results. Profit driven underwriting creates better processes for professionals, better outcomes for clients, and more effective services for brokers, providing a complete turnkey solution for capacity providers to deploy their capital in a disciplined and profitable way. Moreover, Frontier’s staff are a diverse and international bunch, boasting people who have lived in and travelled in everywhere from the Caribbean to the Middle East, North Asia, Africa, and Europe, granting Frontier a truly mixed bag of backgrounds and perspectives that ensure its services and solutions are not pigeonholed to one region. Protecting, enabling, and assisting, it aims to be the leading global underwriting specialist by 2025, showing its clients that the language of risk is universal, and that with its help, all clients will prosper. Company: Frontier Global Underwriting Limited Contact: Joel Pridmore, Sophie Fraser Website: