Midlands Enterprise Awards 2018

12 SME NEWS / Midlands Enterprise Awards 2018 , RoSPA is a charity which aims to prevent life-changing accidents through education, information and training. We spoke to Nathan Davies to find out more and explore how the charity came to win this prestigious award. Best Health & Safety Consultancy 2018 RoSPA has a team of highly- experienced safety trainers and consultants that deliver a range of occupational safety courses and consultancy solutions to all types of organisations. Whether it’s modifying an existing course, delivering a NEBOSH or IOSH qualification or auditing current safety performance, the organisation’s dedicated trainers and consultants’ knowledge spans the entire spectrum of health and safety, so they can provide the solution to meet any requirement. Nathan explores how the organisation’s expertise has been central to its success over the years. “Here at RoSPA, we pride ourselves on how long we have been around spreading our safety messages, and the impact we’ve had in this time. We have 100 years of knowledge to give, and this is recognised by our current and prospective clients. The organisations we work with are keen to learn from the leading safety experts in the UK, which is how we have built such an established list of clients and continue to get new organisations on board.” “Fundamentally, our mission is, ‘exchanging life-enhancing skills and knowledge to reduce serious accidental injuries’. While our mission is an ongoing effort, we strive towards enabling people to live a safe and happy life on a daily basis, whether this be through the information on our website and social media, through consultancy and courses, or just starting the conversation about health and safety in the workplace, on the road, near water and at home.” RoSPA has developed a ‘learning culture’, with employees encouraged to grow through a variety of training opportunities. This dedication to development is one of the things that sets it apart from its competitors, as Nathan highlights. “Many other providers offer more generic training, whereas here at RoSPA we pride ourselves on a more holistic approach to safety training, which is recognised by others in the health and safety industry and reflected by the growing list of organisations we offer training to. There is definitely a demand for qualifications and awards too, which RoSPA is able to supply.” Looking to the future, RoSPA is uniquely placed to evaluate the developments required in health and safety, and to provide services to fulfil those needs. This will remain the charity’s ongoing focus as it looks towards a bright future. RoSPA MID18006 Company: RoSPA Contact: Nathan Davies Address: RoSPA House, 28 Calthorpe Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1RP, UK Phone: 0121 248 2000 Website: www.rospa.com

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