Midlands Enterprise Awards 2020
Midlands Enterprise Awards 2020 | 21 Clare Walker Consultancy CIC weekly group which had a regular 20 women attending from locality to had expand to over 100, from across the UK. They then set up a second session per week to aim to meet the need – at Clare Walker Consultancy they don’t hold waiting lists and never turn anyone away; attendance in each group was expanding. Soon after that they secured some emergency funding to build workforce capacity – which includes access to equipment and training. Working round the clock and with no reprieve has been hard for the team, but the support that is offered has been repeatedly acknowledged with gratitude, so they know they’re doing it right and that this person- centred service, is very much needed. Which the team are hopeful to be able to secure more substantial funding to continue to meet that need. Today, Clare Walker Consultancy CIC now is a team of 12, they have received over 350 referrals to their service since March, with another 14 referrals waiting to be processed, the bulk of users are Leicester/Shire based but there are others still from across the UK and a handful from overseas too. Due to training, funding and sheer selflessness of the team, Clare Walker Consultancy are now qualified and offer a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Domestic Abuse Stalking and Harassment (DASH) trained and trainers, Mental Health First Aid trained, plus a vast array of related topics such as housing, parenting, trauma and many more. Clare Walker Consultancy CIC continues to further develop partnerships, always looking at working differently and creatively to reach into communities – wherever they are. Whilst Sophie leads the team, this has free’d Clare up to continue her other work in Clare Walker Consulting, making and creating changes at the highest levels here in the UK but also in some part, overseas. Key within Clare Walker Consultancy’s aims are that victims of abuse have their experiences validated, and their voices heard. Opportunities in life are taken from us when we are living with abuse, Clare Walker Consultancy aims to reignite that spark, that interest, that friendship, that career. Their work is person-centred and peer-led, there is nothing else quite like it out there, it is life-changing as well as life-saving. The more reach it has, the more it can educate, enable, and empower those who need it most. Clare, Sophie and the team are delighted at the acknowledgement of this award. Company: Clare Walker Consultancy CIC Contact: Clare Walker: Domestic Abuse Consultant Website: https://clarewalkerconsultancy.com/
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