Midlands Enterprise Awards 2020

32 | Midlands Enterprise Awards 2020 Sep20456 Best Underground Heritage Attraction 2020 The Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust was formed when a group of kids set out on a mission to prevent the closure of the underground caverns, mines, tunnels and waterways, wanting to ensure this unique history, situated under the heart of Dudley, was preserved for future generations. These early members of the Trust, dubbed by local press as “anarchistic teenagers” at the time, knew the environment was special. It was steeped in history and technological advances. They galvanised the locals, brought in specialist supporters, raised funds and took on the Government, British Railway and the British Waterways. In their own words, they “went to war.” The group rolled up their sleeves and dug out tunnels, refilled abandoned canals, hauled boats over land and convinced local businesses to lend aid with plant and equipment. They worked hard and played hard, with many parties held in the caverns after a hard day at work. The group even saw several engagement parties held there. Ultimately, they were successful in protecting the area. They set up a canal society membership and offered trips for the public. Today, those “anarchistic teenagers” are the Trustees of the organisation. They are still as determined now as they ever were to ensure the environment is preserved for future generations. Today, the Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust welcome hundreds of thousands of visitors to the site to enjoy the caverns, tunnels and canals. They are treated to guided boat trips through the underground environment and out onto open water. There are educational and historical activities, as well as special events and corporate offers. In 2016, the Trust built a new three-million-pound visitor centre called The Portal, which houses a gift shop, restaurant and an award-winning art gallery. It is clear that the Trust was born from the community and work hard to continue to be a vibrant part of that community. For over five decades, the Trust has applied their core values to their work. As time has progressed, they have grown into a true heritage attraction, bringing in tourists from all over the country and from abroad. Using their unique locations and history, they have also expanded and offer new services. The Trust now have conference and meeting facilities on-site, they have a full-service restaurant which functions outside of the main opening hours, they offer private boat hire, and you can even get married in the Singing Cavern, which is a spectacular backdrop for an event. All of this, while the Trust continues to be sustainable. The Trust is now part of the recently recognised Black Country UNESCO Geopark. The caverns under their care date back 428 million years and are tropical sea beds that have been pushed up through the earth’s core. Unique fossils and geological specimens can be found there that are nowhere else on the planet. Ancient history aside, the sites also give a unique look at seventeenth- century history, showing how the limestone which was mined in the caverns helped shape the Industrial Revolution. The limestone excavated from there was of such superior quality that it was shipped around the world. To do this, the canal and tunnel building was begun in earnest. New techniques were used, including tunnelling under Dudley Castle – and all are recorded in the very environment that a group of teenagers took upon themselves to protect and preserve. The Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust is a testament to the perseverance and passion of a group of like-minded individuals. The Trust’s achievements, from inception to now, is amazing and has gone above and beyond to preserve local history for generations to come. Contact: Traci Dix-Williams Company: Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust Website: www.dudleycanaltrust.org.uk Over fifty years ago, the Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust was formed under unique circumstances. Ever since, it has stood by its mission to protect and preserve the amazing underground caverns, mines, tunnels and waterways which were under threat of closure and destruction. When it comes to groups determined to preserve and protect local history, Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust have one of the most amazing beginnings. For fifty years, the Trust has worked towards their goal of keeping the local environment available for people to enjoy, putting their passion to very effective use.

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