Midlands Enterprise Awards 2021

57 | Midlands Enterprise Awards 2021 Digital Marketing Consultant, Elisha Dignam, provides expert advice and outsourced marketing solutions that help companies to grow. We find out more about the woman behind CULT Marketing and how she strives to offer exceptional service to her clients. As a specialist Marketing Consultancy, CULT Marketing (CULT) provides growing SMEs and enterprise businesses with a cost-effective solution to strategy development, marketing delivery and employee development. Avoiding a cookie-cutter approach to marketing, CULT is committed to tailoring their offering to their clients’ needs. Services include marketing strategy development, digital marketing management, and the development of in-house marketers through mentoring and coaching. Essentially, acting as an outsourced Marketing Director for companies who don’t have the luxury of an in- house senior marketer. “Through our strategy development process, we work with our clients to research their market and understand their target audience,” explains Elisha Dignam, CULT’s Founder. “We then take this insight to create a completely tailored marketing strategy and tactical plan which helps brands understand what marketing activities they will need to achieve their goals.” Following the completion of the marketing strategy, CULT works with their clients to ensure execution of the plan, either through the brand’s inhouse teams, or by providing outsourced support. If this is the case, CULT provides a range of outsourced solutions, including PPC and SEO management, social media management, website optimisation and more. “For organisations with a small in-house team, I also provide leadership support through coaching and mentoring,” Elisha elaborates. “Often within smaller businesses, marketers report directly to a non-marketing senior leader who is unsure of how to develop their skills. Using my experience building and leading successful marketing teams, I help our clients through specialist coaching and mentoring for marketers.” Best Emerging Digital Marketing Consultant (East Midlands): Elisha Dignam CULT’s values centre around embedding your customer at the heart of everything while also ensuring financial return-on-investment – something which has perhaps never been more important as it has in the last 12 months. As we as a nation have adapted to the current pandemic, we’ve also changed the way we interact with companies and our expectations as consumers. “In today’s world, consumers are demanding more from businesses, and actively seek brands that reflect their own beliefs and values,” Elisha continues. “Customers are seeking openness, authenticity and more importantly, a human experience.” “We believe that in all marketing activity, the customer needs to be at the core. It is our job to help you communicate this to your customers through great marketing.” With more than 10 years’ worth of experience being on the clients’ side of things, it’s fair to say Elisha has been in her clients’ shoes and therefore understands exactly what challenges they face, be it budget or brand perception. “Having been in a variety of roles from leading large teams to standalone marketing roles, I know first-hand how challenging it can be working in marketing. That’s why I offer marketing coaching to support the growth of marketers, while also helping businesses improve performance.” It is this, plus a few other factors, which helps to differentiate CULT from other firms in such a fiercely competitive market. “We’ll always be transparent and honest with our clients,” she elaborates. “We’ll never sell a service if it’s not needed. We know where we can add value, and when sometimes our clients are best going elsewhere. Just because we know one marketing channel well, doesn’t mean that channel is the right channel for our client. That’s why we always tailor our approach and recommendations based on our client’s goals.” Recently, Elisha was awarded the prestigious accolade of Best Emerging Digital Marketing Consultant (East Midlands) in the SME News Midlands Enterprise Awards, and it’s safe to say, the future is looking very bright indeed for CULT. “Our ambitions are to continue to help businesses succeed. To do this, we’re on a large growth plan and looking to expand the team towards the end of 2021/early 2022 so that we can help more clients.” Contact: Elisha Dignam Company: CULT Marketing Web Address: www.cult-marketing.co.uk Jul21155