Northern Enterprise Awards 2021
Northern Enterprise Awards 2021 | 23 Best Digital Telecare Technology Provider 2021 also able to help organisations message their customers with information quickly and at short notice as needed. Moreover, while loneliness affects people of all ages, older people are particularly vulnerable given the loss of friends and family, reduced mobility and income. COVID-19 led to a sudden and dramatic fall in contact with other people, increasing levels of social isolation. Our services offered customers the opportunity to speak to a member of our friendly team on a daily basis if they wished, which helped to reduce feelings of loneliness. Our team also made additional wellbeing calls to those identified as being most at risk of social isolation.” While Alertacall’s core ethos is one built on helping people to feel safer and more connected, it would be remiss to gloss over the culture of the company, and the team who help realise its mission every day through their hard work and passion for what they do. For Martin, it is crucial that Alertacall hires those who reflect its own values and goals. In turn, the company takes pride in providing excellent training, coaching and leadership development. “We work closely with a range of expert coaches, leadership development organisations and higher education institutions. Our people continually develop personally and professionally, and are trained in key areas for our clients, such as reflective listening, mental health, and dementia awareness. “Alertacall people are Passionate, Progressive, Caring, Reliable and Knowledgeable. There is an employee wellbeing forum which is driven by our team members and which feeds into leadership decision making and our people development strategy.” Ultimately, Alertacall is currently looking for those that feel they can deliver in bringing these qualities to the table. Those that care for people, and drive to help people live better, more independent lives. It is refreshing to see a company such as Alertacall put such a focus on giving back to its employees, rewarding those who best showcase its own values. The future of Alertacall touches on everything mentioned here. In strengthening its team, growing its services and, again in the light of the pandemic, help those most vulnerable at a time they need it most. In closing comments, Martin discusses Alertacall’s next steps as they look ahead to 2022 and beyond. “Alertacall has been identified by The Innovation Agency, the innovation arm of the NHS for the North West, as a service likely to deliver significant benefits to the organisation. Research undertaken shows that our services decrease the likelihood of customers being admitted to hospital and that their average length of stay in hospital is shorter than comparable demographic groups. Our service can assist a hospital discharge team by alleviating staffing pressures associated with managing older patients when being discharged, as well as improving health outcomes for the individuals themselves.” Technology has the potential to make a hugely positive impact on our everyday lives, but it needs to be used in the right way. Alertacall, through its innovative mindset, caring team, robust core values, and client centricity, has certainly become a pacesetter in a market that demands only the best. After all, it is helping people to live fulfilling lives and retain their independence, and for that, it is deserving of this accolade and all the praise and achievements that have come its way. Company: Alertacall Name: Martin Cutbill Email: Web Address:
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