Green technology company Thermal Road Repairs Limited offers a much-needed permanent solution to asphalt defect and pothole repairs through the use of a seamless thermal bond which is fast, effective, low emission, and zero waste. No cutting, sawing, or jackhammering is required for this innovatory method, which makes it the perfect choice for residential areas thanks to a combination of low HAVs and minimal noise pollution. Further bolstering this practise is the fact that 100% of the material used is recycled, so nothing is taken from the site and only a small amount is added, with all of this undertaken by just one self-contained vehicle and a three-person team, limiting disruption to the public. We catch up with Managing Director Aidan Conway, who provides further insight into the business and its award-winning methods. Best Asphalt Repair Equipment Manufacturer 2023 & Highways Maintenance Innovation Award 2023 With a primary aim of reducing the environmental toll and improving the overall effectiveness of asphalt defect and pothole repair, Thermal Road Repairs Limited is striving to consistently decarbonise the industry thanks to its revolutionary patented thermal technology. This system is designed to carry out repairs and manage defects effectively the first time, whether these be potholes on a busy road, joint failures on a runway, surface defects in a car park, or damaged asphalt in a port to name just a few. Work is carried out both in the company’s native UK and around the rest of the world, with a service offered that can be easily adapted for almost any purpose. Initially starting out life as a technology builder before shifting gears into a solutions provider, low carbon technology has always been at the core of the business’ offerings, and by focusing on and investing heavily in its research and development means the team is always keenly on the lookout for new and exciting ways to hone its craft and lessen damage to the environment. Not only is the technology used environmentally-sound, but it is also so easy to use that jobs can be created in local areas where the company is deployed, adding social value to its contracts. Unlike traditional repair methods, Thermal Road Repairs’ method forms a homogeneous bond between the repair and the surrounding surface area, with the end result being a seamless fix that eliminates the risk of water ingress, yielding a permanent repair. As a result, time constraints are reduced significantly, as are the costly callouts for a re-repair on a previously completed project that has subsequently failed. Through this system, more than 85% of carbon emissions can be saved, and all heaters and trucks that are used harness clean sources of energy, such as solar, to further benefit the cause. This approach has served to separate Thermal Road Repairs from its industry competitors, allowing it to flourish at a time when noise within the sector is focused largely on carbon savings, with an undercurrent on pricing, and as Aidan explains, “we deliver positively across both.” Being based in the North has meant that the business has been able to service clients from London to Scotland effectively due to its convenient location, particularly in regard to the motorway networks of the Midlands, North-West, and North-East, which have previously not had access to such technology. Within the firm, a flat management structure has been adopted, which as Aidan explains, “enables the business to be one of fast-paced innovation and allows us to react quickly to any market conditions.” Diversity is too championed effectively, and the team have made it their mission to help people in the most marginalised sections of society, demonstrated through their extensive work with the ROTL (release on temporary license) project and the active encouragement for the recruitment of ex-service personnel. Looking ahead to the future, Thermal Road Repairs Limited is currently in the process of exploring the scalability of its solutions and is looking at deploying fresh machinery that will afford the opportunity to work across larger patches, while at the same time continuing to refine its current offerings to further lower its carbon footprint. Another key area of focus is improving its export capabilities, with the company already partnering with those in Ireland, France, Malta, and Australia with the hopes of achieving this goal. With these future plans to boot, the company is sure to continue to serve as a pioneer in the industry, providing stellar solutions that are effective and environmentally beneficial. Contact Details Contact: Aidan Conway Company: Thermal Road Repairs Limited Web Address: https://www.