Q1 2021

126 | Q1 2021 Aug20132 Serving Up Success Based in Norfolk, Paragraph is an international publishing and events company with numerous well-known and popular magazines. Following its well-deserved success in the UK Enterprise Awards 2020, we got in touch with Damian Riley-Smith to find out more. Established in 1996, Paragraph started up with the aim of creating and managing the highest-quality magazines, websites, guides, events, and related publications in clearly defined markets. To start, Damian provides a brief overview of the firm and offers more insight into its clientele. “Focusing on the consumers of premium drinks worldwide and various importers, distributors, retailers and wholesalers, we bring high-quality content to the eyes of those who love all things food and drink. With our 22-year pedigree of media excellence in the whisky sector especially, we have a unique perspective of this global industry which is loved by so many consumers around the world. From day one our vision has been truly international with 18 partners in 25 countries and five licensed editions throughout Asia and Europe. Moreover, with distribution also in more than 50 countries, we believe we have fulfilled the needs and ambition of our clients and then some.” The current and future success of Paragraph depends on being able to deliver an unrelenting service. In this regard, the company’s internal culture is a key factor as Damian explains further. “At all times, we work to answer editorial demands, telephone calls, emails, social media enquiries and letters but without developing a high-quality team and an appropriate structure for them to work in none of this can be achieved. Here at Paragraph, we develop great relations with our colleagues, customers, and suppliers, maintain high standards of professionalism and have an open management structure to ensure we are operating in the most efficient way possible. With a team of 20, made up of two external directors, the MD and FD, a leadership team of five and individual team groups, we have a structure which encourages all staff to share ideas and participate.” Looking ahead to what the future holds, Damian signs off by revealing some of the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for Paragraph in the years to come as we look ahead to 2021 and beyond. “Moving forward, we will continue to seek to expand our international distribution and partnerships in countries in which we do not have a presence. With the recent development of coronavirus, we have evolved our live events to run as at home events, where we deliver a hamper of more than 40 miniature samples to customers’ homes which can then be tasted in tandem with the daily online tastings we release. Finally, with the growth in enthusiasm for the printed word, we plan to launch new print publications over the coming years to fulfil the passion for excellence and beauty in the printed word.” Company: Paragraph Contact: Damian Riley-Smith Website: www.paragraphpublishing.com