Q1 2021

51 | Q1 2021 Oct20545 The Media Platform ‘Influencing the Influencers’ Delivering world class news to the key thinkers in European politics and beyond, eureporter reflects on the business model that has been the key to its success. eureporter is a multimedia news platform serving the wider European region and based in Brussels. Through its online platform populated by a wide range of EU and world affairs news, it works hard to keep its readers informed about the latest international and intercontinental events. It is available in all EU official languages and is freely available to read as an online news portal. It is also compatible with iPhone, iPad, and Android Applications. It boasts an influential readership that includes some of the EU’s greatest thinkers and decision maker. Additionally, it is read widely by law makers and legislators, and contains opinion pieces by experts and businesspersons alike, forming a compendium of some of the most forward thinking editorial available regarding world news. During a 2016 media poll ran by EU Media called ‘What Influences the Influencers’, it was made clear that eureporter is a trusted source to its top-of-the-class audience. The poll was a ComRes/ Burson-Marsteller survey into preferred news sources and social media channels used by MEPs, EU officials, and influential voices in Brussels. It was found that EU reporter rates at 8%, equal to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, ahead of the Guardian Online at 6% as the news provider of choice amongst such key thinkers in EU politics. eureporter’s broadcast quality is among the elements that give this news platform an edge over the competition; it has impeccable levels of technological prowess when it comes to video streaming, advertisements, sponsored videos, and video news releases. This focus on its video releases on important political movers in the modern political crucible is what its readers appreciate most. Currently, this feature is the highest trending media form eureporter offers. eureporter’s website is populated by everything that it creates in house. With its own state- of-the-art production facilities, camera crews and video editing solutions in its Brussels Headquarters, it has the capabilities to produce the content it needs within tight time frames to disseminate information whilst it is fresh. It has designed its website to present its information to its readers in the most uncluttered and sophisticated way possible, with simple layout, easy navigation, and an intuitive user interface. It also ensures that all its content is appropriately categorised and tagged for ease of search. Such subjects include politics, defence, economics, energy, environment, education, health, human rights, lifestyle, animal welfare, and world news. It also works across a variety of formats such as video news, featured videos, online TV, podcasting, photojournalism, opinion, featured articles, and premium magazines that contain featured articles and opinion pieces. Furthermore, its thriving social media accounts keep its readers up to date with new releases. eureporter is distributed to over 25,000 people per month via email subscription, and its google analytics show that it is viewed on average by 3685 people her day. Furthermore, eureporter stories are syndicated to over 5000 news outlets worldwide. eureporter has of course faced challenges during its time, with the latest one being managing the impacts of Brexit, as all EU markets and UK markets try and adjust to the ‘new normal’. Covid-19 was less of an issue for eureporter, as it found itself in a perfect place to be able to complete the necessary pivot to online working. With a small core central administration team and a network of professional and capable journalists who were more than able to handle the move to remote work, its staff also benefitted from eureporter being an early adopter of Zoom and facetime technology. On the 1st of September 2020, it launched its new product in EU Reporter Live, which offers live feeds for broadcast throughout the world. It has also launched several regional online news portals under the ‘Globe’ network. Going forward it will be working to consolidate its vocal presence in Europe and maintain its core in the heart of Wales. Company: eureporter Contact: Colin Stevens | Owner / director Website: eureporter.co