Q3 2023

SME News Q3 2023 | 74 Best Domiciliary Care Providers 2023 - Walsall What is society for, if not for looking after our most vulnerable? The team behind Halle Health have made their mission the provision of companionship and conversation in order to offer exceptional care to those who need it most. With a strong commitment to raising the standard of care in the UK ever higher, it’s little wonder that the team achieved such success in the UK Enterprise Awards 2023. Social care is one of the most important aspects of our society, and setting a high standard in this field is crucial to ensuring that those who need help the most are able to get precisely the help that they need. As experts in domiciliary care, supporting those who are determined to stay in their own homes, the team at Halle Health have an impressive track record of success which has been justly recognised by SME News. Since its establishment, Halle Health has taken the needs of its clients as the first port of call when it comes to securing new heights of success. By looking at each individual client and assessing their unique needs, it aims to identify the ideal team member to meet their needs and provide an impressive continuity of service to support the changes they will start to see in their life. For each team member at Halle Health, the individual is always at the heart of any decision made about their care. The team’s work sees them providing domiciliary care, for which they have seen their efforts rewarded in the UK Enterprise Awards. Alongside this work, they are leading the way when it comes to live-in care, respite care, and sitting care. From the first visit to the last, the team are able to provide the exact support that is requested of them. For some, this might be help waking up, and getting through the beginning of the daily routine. For others, it might take the form of help with prescriptions, ensuring that medicines are always available, in date, and taken on time. For many clients, a cup of tea and some friendly conversation can have a major effect on how they feel, and how they feel can majorly impact how they live their life. The team’s knowledge of environmental factors means that they are ideally suited to uncovering and explaining any risks that might already be in place. The environmental health and safety hazards within any home can be numerous, and many will be recognisable as long-term issues. Halle Health brings these problems to the fore, ensuring safety in the house for all. The variety of care that is available has generated great demand for the team across the UK. The team’s sterling efforts have ensured that customers are able to remain in their own homes, cared for, looked after, and safe. Every gesture is designed with supporting the individual at the heart. It’s little wonder, therefore, that Halle Health has earned a reputation in the industry for being able to deliver whatever level of support is required of it, no matter how long a time it happens to be for. Some of the team’s previous customers have needed support on a one-off occasion to cover sickness or simply allowing carers to have a short respite, while others have required help for many years and learn to see the Halle Health team that visit them almost as part of the family! No matter what you need, Halle Health is uniquely qualified to meet any requirements that might arise. While must of the support that the Halle Health team offers is directly aimed at individual customers, specific areas have seen the company partner up with local councils and their support services to enhance the level of care available to older people. By offering this range of support, the team have been able to secure some truly amazing results. The team also offer a host of temporary assignments to qualified nurses, carers, and support workers across the UK. Such is the demand for these services that a specialised permanent division has been established that places qualified nurses, deputy managers, home managers, peripatetic managers, and area and regional managers in the heart of some of the largest care providers in the UK. The issue of social care in the UK is one which will not be going away any time soon, but it is one where companies like Halle Health are able to showcase how to do it right. We celebrate its extraordinary achievement and anticipate great things ahead for the team. Contact Details Company: Halle Health Name: Thabani Sebata Email: [email protected] Web Address: [email protected]