Q3 2024

SME News Q3 2024/ 10 Grief is a complex emotion that does not follow a linear timeline. Without the correct support, it can be a devastating thing. A report from Hospice UK (2019) stated that 56% of people would consider leaving their employer if they didn’t offer proper bereavement support, and Marie Curie (2020) found that 58% of employees felt their performance was still affected by their grief months after the death of a loved one. This Can Happen Global’s 2024 report on grief in the workplace from bereavement advises that workplaces have a key role to play in supporting employees through their grief, though this can be a difficult landscape to navigate without the correct procedures in place. Workplace Bereavement Advocacy specialises in providing workplace bereavement one-day advocacy training to companies to better equip them in supporting their employees during this time. We speak with Founder and Director Jacqueline Gunn to learn more as the company receives its title in the 2024 Business Elite Awards. Founded in 2023, Workplace Bereavement Advocacy is a CPD registered training company that aims to raise awareness of the difficulty of losing someone close, and how it will inevitably impact their work. “At Workplace Bereavement Advocacy, we understand that grief doesn’t have an expiration date, and neither does our support,” Jacqueline tells us. “We pride ourselves on providing comprehensive, ongoing care to those navigating loss.” In addition to being the Founder and CEO of Workplace Bereavement Advocacy, Jacqueline is also the Founder and Chairperson of Talking about Loss, a bereavement charity that was set up in 2019 following the death of her father. Jacqueline felt isolated after her father’s funeral and sought out support and the company of like-minded people who understood her struggles. She battled depression and feared the route she would take if she didn’t do something positive. Returning to work two days after her father’s death, Jacqueline was faced with fear and anxiety, despite her supportive boss and colleague. She soon learned that many people experiencing bereavement did not receive the same support and felt a fierce determination to develop a programme that would train individuals from organisations to become bereavement advocates in the workplace. On the fourth anniversary of Talking about Loss, Jacqueline launched Workplace Bereavement Advocacy with the mission of changing how we talk about grief. She says, “The death of a loved one is profoundly personal and can deeply affect all aspects of life, including one’s professional environment. our mission is to ensure that every grieving individual in the workplace feels seen, heard, and supported during their most challenging times.” In this industry, compassion is a vital value for companies to hold close. Workplace Bereavement Advocacy believes in fostering an environment that promotes empathy and understanding. It trains individuals to offer genuine, heartfelt support to their colleagues and acknowledge the personal and unique nature of their grief. The business has made a commitment to raising awareness about the impacts of bereavement in the workplace and has designed frameworks specifically to educate employees about the emotional and psychological challenges that their grieving colleagues face and how this can affect their work performance and well-being. The aim is to equip every workplace with the tools and knowledge necessary to provide effective support to employees experiencing bereavement. The programmes are geared towards empowering workplaces to manage grief as a collective challenge, promoting healing and strength in adversity. Through Workplace Bereavement Advocacy’s services, employees will feel acknowledged and receive genuine help on their grief journey. “We strive to create inclusive environments where all forms of grief are recognised and respected, regardless of the circumstances. We acknowledge the diversity of grieving processes and encourage personalised support strategies that respect each individual’s needs,” Jacqueline tells us. “Our training programmes are carefully designed to align with these values, providing comprehensive, sensitive, and practical approaches to workplace bereavement.” The company’s wrap around services includes a 24/7 helpline that provides access to immediate assistance anytime it is needed, as well as a membership portal that serves as a resource hub with tools and information to help the advocate support their bereaved colleagues at each stage of the journey. Workplace Bereavement Advocacy holds quarterly webinars designed to empower and upskill its Bereavement Advocates with the latest knowledge and skill developments. Additionally, it provides ongoing training on specialised key topics to ensure that the advocates are fully equipped to offer the best support. Most recently, the business has launched school and organisation initiatives designed to transform bereavement support in education settings. The Young Hearts Bereavement Breaking Down the Barriers of Workplace Bereavement