Q4 2019
• Bay Media’s most popular product and one of the largest roadside formats in the UK • High quality photographic PVC banners professionally installed on lamppost columns using our patented bracket system • Raised at least 2.4m above street level so your campaign will always be visible above the clutter • Located on busy streets and main arterial routes • Engage with your customers where it will have the greatest relevance for your campaign • Use a format that has a proven 2.5x better recall rate • Reach customers in the “Active Space” directly influencing their purchasing behaviour • Your campaign can be targeted to the individual site or dominate an entire street or area • It’s a cost e ective format, suitable for all marketing budgets www.baymedia.co.uk What are raised lamppost banners? Why choose raised lamppost banners? Quote SMEnews for 20% o your first campaign booking: Why not email us on
[email protected] or call 0208 343 2525?
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