Scottish Enterprise Awards 2021

35 | Scottish Enterprise Awards 2021 The face of theatre is changing, audience and actors are no longer constrained by walls and seats. As an industry pioneer, ‘The Walking Theatre Company’, provides an innovative, fresh take on the traditional theatre experience, with over 54 touring productions, show ready across the UK and a track record of experience, they bring the show to you. Just over sixteen years ago Sadie Dixon-Spain, actor, writer and theatre maker, thought she was leaving theatre behind when she and her husband moved home to Scotland, settling in the rural landscape of Argyll, to be closer to family. However, inspiration flourished amongst the wilderness, expeditions discovering fairy haunts in rhododendron groves, balconies set in rocky outcrops, and still pools filled with magic. As a result, The Walking Theatre Company (TWTC) was born. Turning any space into a stage, The Walking Theatre Company offers a ‘no walls required’ approach to delivering work, revelling in its ability to closely interact with the audience, truly immersing them in the experience, performing worldwide, the company has an impressive track record. As a creative business excelling in performance innovation, but its internal culture is a hotbed for creativity, collaboration and confidence is part of the core vale of the company, committed to building strong, integrated valued teams. Over the years, the Company has provided mentoring and networking opportunities, enabling career paths, skills development and education within the Creative Sector and further afield into tourism, hospitality and heritage. In 2019, they launched ‘The Legacy Programme’ bringing their entire team together, to connect, experience and explore in the wilds of Argyll, the start of an on- going creative hub, which came to a pandemic stand still, filtered through to ‘The Makers & Players Lab’, and on-line platform for Creatives. Providing an array of services, from bespoke corporate work, to children’s theatre, to touring Shakespeare and seasonal shows, The Walking Theatre Company creates access to theatre for people everywhere. It specialises in bespoke, site- responsive work; an example, in 2019 creating a theatrical adaptation of Brambly Hedge at Gordon Castle by Scottish Natural Heritage, and was performed by the company and local youngsters involved in the Moray Wildlife Watch Group. In another bespoke commission for Scottish Canals, Dixon-Spain created ‘The Resurrection’ which took small groups of intrepid adventurers into the depths of the 630-metre long Falkirk Tunnel, stepping into the light and back in time as the victims of the notorious mass murdered Burke and Hare emerged from the dark. Like many other businesses, The Walking Theatre Company literally closed overnight when the first 2020 lockdown hit. The Covid-19 pandemic forced the company to stand down its entire team of creative professionals as its events diary empties, ultimately leaving 48 freelancers without work. However, as with many other theatre companies, it began to explore digital platforms. Initially proving to be a challenge as it’s a flooded market, The Walking Theatre Company gradually adapted, supplying a creative outlet to its talented team and allowing it to connect with audiences through the Makers & Players Lab. In turn, it widened the company’s reach, and made the team think differently about the work they were creating. As lockdown restrictions have eased, public demand for interactive based experiences is huge, and The Walking Theatre Company is right at the forefront of developing this market – no client too small, or too big. The Walking Theatre Company is continuing to innovate and collaborate, and as 2021 draws to a close, has expanded it’s operations within UK wide creative teams, currently delivering Christmas events from Father Christmas Walking Theatre, spy themed parties, murder dinner shows, and family forest adventures – and the diary is looking great for 2022. Whilst the world remains uncertain, and markets are ever changing, people crave contact and experience above everything. The Walking Theatre Company has shown that events can happen safely and be delivered with confidence. As Founding Director, Sadie Dixon-Spain comments, “We have had to adjust so much, however this has been an exciting process, creating new opportunities. We keep theatre walking on adventures everywhere.” Contact: [email protected] Company: The Walking Theatre Company Web Address: https://www. Oct21802 Best UK-Wide Theatre Performance & Events Company 2021