For those over 25 years of age, BRAG Enterprises has devised a similar programme known as Spring Forward. Enhancing the skillsets of those who have been unemployed for longer periods of time, including individuals who have had multiple barriers preventing them from retaining a job, BRAG Enterprises helps them discover the best ways in which to improve themselves. Identifying where they could adapt themselves in order to find the best employment opportunities for them is where BRAG Enterprises specialises, and it has served many in realising that sustainable employment isn’t as difficult to obtain as it may seem, given the right amounts of time, patience, and encouragement. BRAG Enterprises captures the very picture of support. Though it has had ups and downs, it has never once deferred from its original goal – to operate as a nonprofit organisation that’s able to teach, uplift, and inspire the next generations to find their place in the world. Regardless of the obstacles posed by the economy and drastic changes in demand, BRAG Enterprises has taken everything in its stride. This adaptability is its defining characteristic. Having built up an undeniable strength over the course of more than three decades, BRAG Enterprises now stands as a testament to what can be accomplished, should one believe in those who need a little nudge to reach the next important step of their lives. Contact: Brian Robertson-Fern Company: BRAG Enterprises Web Address: