Scottish Enterprise Awards 2024

state where they are ready to learn and allows the staff members to become key figures in helping the children to emotionally regulate, build resilience, and learn self-care tools to navigate life. Another beneficial programme held by Orchard Cottage Care is its animal therapy sessions, which has been proven to have significant psychological, social, emotional, and physical benefits to children and young people. Showing love towards animals helps to achieve a more healthy and balanced life, and can decrease feelings of isolation, alienation, and loneliness whilst encouraging socialisation and communication. Orchard Cottage Care understands that trying new things can enhance both physical and mental health, whilst boosting creativity and selfesteem. The home promotes the continuation of past hobbies amongst its young people, as well as encouraging new activities and interactions they may enjoy, such as swimming, bowling, cinema trips, overnight stays, sporting activities, and many more. In addition to promoting new activities, Orchard Cottage Care also recognises the importance of ensuring that all children, young people, and adults associated with the home are protected and kept safe from harm. The home adopts the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention model developed by Cornell University, which provides a framework for implementing a crisis prevention and management system that reduces the need to rely on high risk interventions. The TCI model provides care staff with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to effectively support, de-escalate, and teach young people in a cris situation. What’s more, the home also offers its young people the services of an experienced therapist qualified in a range of holistic therapeutic techniques, in addition to unlimited access to a clinical psychotherapist for further sessions. The team successfully fulfil their duty of care to ensure that medications are managed, stored, and administered appropriately, and undergo continual training to further develop their therapeutic expertise and strengthen their support. Despite its remarkable capabilities, Orchard Cottage Care does not operate in isolation; the home has a wide network of support, with strong links to parents, family members, schools, social workers, local authorities, healthcare professionals, Police Scotland and the justice system, universities, and other various invaluable organisations such as Who Cares? Scotland, CELCIS, and Skills Development Scotland. The home remains dedicated to developing strong, collaborative, and effective relationships with all individuals involved in the lives of its young people. Ultimately, Orchard Cottage Care is dedicated to supporting and empowering its children and young people in overcoming trauma and building a brighter future for themselves. The house has successfully established an encompassing service model that, with the aid of an expansive network of professionals and loved ones, provides unparalleled support to the children and young people in its care. We at SME News eagerly anticipate the next year of success for Orchard Cottage Care, who has been rightfully awarded the title of Best Children’s Residential Care Home 2024 – Ayrshire. “Over the last two to three years since Orchard Cottage Care opened, we have noticed a growing tide of new residents, particularly expansions of growth with other companies opening homes within the Ayrshire area,” Adele concludes. “Currently, Orchard Cottage Care consists of one house, that is Orchard Cottage. Our children and young people get the best care possible and for now, there are no plans to expand the service until possibly 2025 or 2026, with a second home that has the same homely feel as Orchard Cottage.” Contact: Adele McDade Company: Orchard Cottage Care Ltd Web Address: