UK Enterprise 2020
69 | UK Enterprise Awards 2020 As one of the only free-based training provider in the UK to be endorsed through the Skills for Care e-Learning framework, JET Training is a unique care training site set up to provide free help, support, answers and guidance to managers of care homes, as well as for candidates undertaking the Care Certificate and diploma qualifications. Recently, we profiled JET Training and founder, John Eaton to discover more about the organisation and how it successfully operates under award-winning leadership. Best Online Care Training Service 2020 Since their inception, JET Training ( has offered a full range of management programmes and advice which helps working in the care sector be user friendly, as well as provide organisations and individuals the support and guidance required in a variety of work settings. Today, JET Training has a clear mission, which is the desire to create a learning environment that is innovative and exciting for both learners and staff. The company wants to provide a bespoke learning experience not only tailors to their clients’ needs, but ensures that the experience is flexible as well. JET Training wants to empower its clients with the knowledge required to shape their own understanding. Ultimately, they want to help improve standards of care across the country and provided a person centric approach to care delivery. JET Training has seven cores values that it adheres to at all times. These are providing leadership and always acting with honest and integrity. Offering clients a professional service, whilst always looking to add qualitative value to the courses they offer. The company always embraces opportunities to find innovative methods to improve the quality of their services, and JET Training is searching for ways to further grow and improve their own learning within the industry. Lastly, the firm is always looking to create partnerships within the healthcare industry and wider business community, as these partnerships open up opportunities to learn new things. All of the training programmes that JET Training provides is based on John Eaton’s care support unit in Taunton; Meadow Court. At Meadow Court, ( John uses his programmes to train his staff and ensure that every member of the team are consistently providing the highest levels of service possible. To date, Meadow Court has a ‘Good’ rating from the regulating body the CQC. At Meadow Court, they have accommodation for adults with mental health and learning disabilities who want to live independently, but require a support system. It helps to bridge the gap between living in residential care or with family, to striking out and living on their own. As well the normal care services, Meadow Court also offers help with things like money management, maintaining a tenancy and building links between friends and the local community. Throughout his career, John has received a number of accolades and titles. For instance, he has achieved Investor in People Gold, ISO 9001 for Meadow Court, the JET Training is endorsed by Skills for Care (the care sectors training and standards authority), and has also written the original works to Croner ‘Records and Procedures’, which was the manual of choice for care homes in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Jul20068 Alongside his already successful published books, John also has written 18 Spid the Spider books for children. On the website for the books (www. ), readers can find songs for the books, a Facebook page, even Twitter and Instagram accounts. In addition to this, there is also a free download of an eBook ‘Spid the Spider is Battling a Pandemic Virus and an audio book to go with it. As for what the future holds, John’s latest book, Thoughts from a Faraway Place, is due to be published in October. Contact: John Eaton Company: JET Training (John Eaton Training) Web Address:
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