UK Enterprise Awards 2021
UK Enterprise Awards 2021 | 99 CCube Solutions Similar results have been achieved at Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and North Bristol NHS Trust. At Aintree, the process was outsourced to an external scanning services provider, with CCube Solutions EDRM software used to deliver the digital records at the point- of-use. This has allowed users to access the information they need within three mouse clicks, a vast improvement over flicking through pages. The team at North Bristol, however, opted for a hybrid solution, setting up its own in-house scanning bureau and working with a third-party outsourcing specialist, to do the back scanning. By taking a two-pronged approach, with the skills and knowledge of CCube Solutions at the forefront, they have been able to adopt a system that pays for itself. Over four years, the digitisation of patient medical records will save £1.3 million. Of course, it is not just hospital trusts who the team at CCube Solutions work with. GPs are an enormous market for the team who need equal amounts of assistance. The team at CCube Solutions have created a new eLG solution. This comprises of a secure and hosted electronic Lloyd George (LG) platform. LG envelopes contain reference material required when GPs write letters to solicitors, employers, insurance companies or when they have to provide a historical view on a patient. LG envelopes must be retained by law, following a patient as they move around the NHS to different practices. A typical practice, with 11,000 patients, will likely have 13,000 wallets, with each containing approximately eighty pages of material. This can mean over 1 million sheets of paper per practice. The deployment of a secure, hosted platform for the storage, access and lifecycle management of electronic LG records has been transformative for GPs, and is a simple scaling down of the EDRM technology implemented in 30 Acute NHS Trusts throughout the country. To make life easier, the upload process of LG files is free, automated and meets agreed SLAs. The NHS is often regarded as a dinosaur of UK industry, but one which plays an invaluable role in our future. Through collaborating with specialist SMEs, teams of medical professionals across various fields, across the nation, have been able to upgrade and improve the service available to patients. This is due, in no small part, to the incredible work put in by the CCube Solutions team. Their success is something not just to be recognised, but celebrated for the way in which it has transformed such an important part of our nation. Company: CCube Solutions Name: Vijay Magon Email:
[email protected]
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