130 | UK Enterprise Awards 2023 May23430 Best ADHD Support Coaching 2023 - Southern England As an ADHD coaching and support business, Life Beings with ADHD serves to fill a gaping void in the mental healthcare sphere. It recognises the irrefutable support that adults diagnosed with ADHD require and looks to offer its service to ensure these individuals are heard and understood in a way that they may not have been before. It has an intrinsic understanding of ADHD that stems from first-hand experience and utilises this unique insight to help people come to terms with their newly diagnosed condition, and how best to manage it within their day-today lives. What makes Life Beings unlike other support business in the UK is how wholeheartedly it embraces what makes ADHD individuals different. It celebrates the uniqueness that ADHD brings and doesn’t see it as a problem to be solved, more so a companion that its clients need to work alongside. Though it fully understands how ADHD can pose a multitude of challenges, instead of teaching clients to battle with their condition, it identifies how to amplify their strengths and use their ADHD to their advantage. One example that Life Begins gives is the instance of a neurodiverse individual struggling to work efficiently within a professional setting. With a lack of understanding of how the brain functions for those with ADHD, most workplaces are unable to provide the correct amount of support, leading to a frustration that’s difficult to work around. As a result, it can cause a wealth of anxieties, from money worries to job security fears. Life Begins aims to strike a balance that enhances a client’s capabilities, whilst raising awareness to employers of the struggles that neurodiverse individuals could face at work. From the very beginning, Life Beings has been all about making a difference to as many lives as possible. It wants to stretch its reach out to as many people as it can and does so through each of its practises. From admonishing the idea that ADHD causes more failures than successes, to having its partners engage with communities who may not be able to afford extended professional services, it truly engages with ADHD in a way that’s both caring and inspiring. Of course, with the influx of many adults coming to the realisation that they may not be as neurotypical as they initially thought, there’s a huge waiting list of individuals waiting for an NHS diagnosis that could be up to three years away from becoming a reality. During this time, Life Begins offers its services to ensure that support is given during this extended period, and provides advice, assistance, and coaching for as long as a client may need it. Life Begins really is an empowering business that detects strengths over weaknesses. It’s tired of seeing people with ADHD have their spark dampened by spaces that only cater to neurotypical individuals, and acts as the guiding light for clients to move towards working in harmony with their condition. It nurtures its clients in a way that’s beyond admirable, and the positive impact it’s having on the ADHD community within the UK is simply undeniable. And with exciting plans on the horizon, Life Begins with ADHD is definitely one to watch. Contact: Ellie Marshall Company: Life Begins with ADHD Web Address: www.lifebeginswithadhd.com/ Trying to function as a neurodiverse individual within neurotypical spaces can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Those who didn’t have the luxury of receiving an ADHD diagnosis during childhood have had to grow up feeling different and misunderstood, and this can frequently carry over to their professional lives. Life Begins with ADHD aims to uplift and empower those with ADHD, all whilst creating a safe space for them to feel truly seen.