Package Examples UK Legal Awards 2024
About Us Introduction SME News is delighted to announce the return of the UK Legal Awards for the sixth consecutive year. The awards are organised by SME News and have been designed to acknowledge and celebrate the firms and individuals who have exhibited excellence, innovation, and leadership in the legal sector and society. The awards are inclusive of all businesses that operate in the legal sector in the UK, irrespective of their size, location, or specialisation. We invite nominations from any legal firm or individual who has achieved outstanding results, provided exceptional service, or contributed positively to society. The UK legal sector in 2024 will encounter various challenges and opportunities arising from various global disruption events throughout the last few years. The demand for legal services is expected to increase by 2%, with promising prospects for property, immigration, restructuring, and insolvency law. Law firms are more willing to adopt alternative fee arrangements to satisfy client needs and remain competitive in the market. UK firms will pursue expansion in the US market through mergers or alliances, while smaller firms will seek organic growth through marketing and client retention. Law firms will also adopt a client-centric approach, using data analytics and personalisation to deliver higher-quality services, as well as offering more virtual services to enhance convenience and accessibility. SME News is hosting the UK Legal Awards 2024 to honour and commend the remarkable achievements of the legal firms that operate in the UK. These awards are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the quality, innovation, and diversity of the UK legal sector, and to recognise and reward the firms and individuals who have made a significant difference. The UK Legal Awards 2024 is a merit-based awards programme meaning that the winners are determined by their performance, achievements, and contributions, rather than by the number of votes or nominations they receive. There are a broad range of categories that aim to cover all different areas of expertise and specialisation in the legal sector. The process is simple: in addition to nominations, we have our dedicated in-house research team that identify, evaluate, and award firms that we believe deserve to be recognised for their achievements. Using this method ensures that, regardless of industry or size, businesses can be judged on an equal basis.
Leader Package 725 GBP Full page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo
Pioneer Package 1,095 GBP Double page spread Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate
Premier Package Your company logo on the Front Cover Double page spread Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate Social media spotlight 1,595 GBP
Limited Availability Trailblazer Package 2,995 GBP Supporting front cover image & headline Two Pages of editorial Bespoke trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page digital e-magazine dedicated solely to your company Social media spotlight
Only one Available Prestige Package Main front cover image & headline 4 page article placed at the front end of the magazine 2 Bespoke trophies 1 Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 8-page digital e-magazine with 100 printed copies dedicated solely to your company Double Page Spread in future issue of SME News Social media spotlight and dedicated newsletter feature 5,295 GBP
Luxury Essentials Bespoke trophy: 345 GBP Slate trophy: 345 GBP Wall Plaque: 345 GBP Personalised digital logo: 245 GBP Personalised digital certificate: 245 GBP Full page article: 395 GBP
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