Welsh Enterprise Awards 2023

SME News is thrilled to announce the return of the Welsh Enterprise Awards. Now entering the seventh year, this annual awards programme highlights the hardworking SMEs in the Welsh nation. With over 290,000 companies registered in Wales, and January 2023 alone witnessing the launch of 1,683 new Welsh enterprises, the Welsh business landscape is continually expanding. Over 3% of UK businesses are based in Wales, many of which are new start-ups. In fact, Wales has seen the highest increase in the number of start-ups in the past 12 months, demonstrating that the Welsh market is going from strength to strength. The Welsh Enterprise Awards 2023 aims to showcase the companies that are deserving of recognition. Similar to the diverse nature of the Welsh business market, this awards programme recognises companies and individuals from a multitude of industries. So, whether you’re from the Scientific sector, based in Retail or building the future through Construction, the Welsh Enterprise Awards 2023 is the place to display your achievements. Regardless of your business background, the Welsh Enterprise Awards features the best companies in the nation and this could be your opportunity to present your accomplishments and establish yourself as an award-winning company. Editors Letter Phone: +44 (0) 203 970 0018 Website: www.lux-review.com Sofi Parry Editor