Yorkshire & the Humber Enterprise Awards 2018

2 SME NEWS / Yorkshire &Humble Enterprise Awards 2018 Editor’s Note  Welcome to the 2018 Yorkshire & Humber Enterprise Awards This year, the Yorkshire and the Humber Enterprise Awards are returning to recognise the small to medium companies that have a positive impact on their customers in one of England’s most instrumental economic regions. Home to one of Britain’s most diverse economies, and containing cities established as leading centres of trade, Yorkshire and the Humber boasts a collection of traditional and modern businesses who are dedicated to promoting excellence within their industry. Hannah Stevenson, Editor Phone: +44 (0) 20 3970 0082 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sme-news.co.uk AI Global Media, Ltd. (AI) takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the informa ion on this web site. However, AI will not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any informa ion that is available through this web site. If errors are brought to our atten ion, we will try to correct them. The informa ion available through the website and our partner publica ions is for your general informa ion and use and is not intended to address any par icular finance or investment requirements. In par icular, the informa ion does not cons itute any form of advice or recommenda ion by us or any of our partner publica ions and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making or refraining from making any investment or financial decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named in the site is at your sole risk and responsibility.
