Yorkshire & the Humber Enterprise Awards 2018
6 SME NEWS / Yorkshire &Humble Enterprise Awards 2018 throughout the UK covering private medical insurance, critical illness cover and group life assurance arrangements. Looking to the future, Prosperis is continuing with its aim to expand, via both organic growth and through acquisition. The company has already purchased one small business last year and is currently in talks with other firms with a view to making at least two additional purchases in 2019. Whilst this growth is vital to the firm’s ongoing success, the team will remain committed to ensuring its service offering remains at the highest standard that clients have come to expect. Propseris is continuing to grow its advisory team and has recently hired a number of new staff in its strategy to expand its Wealth Management service further. Nicholas Utting, Associate Director, has been with the firm for over 7 years and takes the leading role in private client delivery. Nick has recently been joined in his role in dealing with individual clients as the firm appointed Sam Dillon and Matthew Tallant as independent financial advisers. As part of this focus, Prosperis is currently seeking to adapt around the changes it is seeing in the financial advice market by developing its own Wealth Platform, which will provide its clients with real time, live access to the company’s back office system. This will enable clients to access valuations, store important documents, such as Will and Powers of Attorney, and edit their data on-line. To assist the firm in bringing its service offering to clients, the firm recently appointed Matthew Harris as Head of Operations. Matthew has many years of experience with large national firms and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the business. Ultimately, thanks to these projects and others Prosperis is set to further enhance its already impressive success over the years to come and provide its clients with the solutions and support they need in the ever-evolving financial advice market. Nicolas Utting - Associate Director: Prosperis Matthew Harris - Head of Operations: Prosperis Matthew Tallant - Financial Adviser: Prosperis
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