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Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters,
1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent
Staffordshire, DE14 1LS

Category: Business Advice

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What Every Business Should Be Asking Before Swapping to LPGBusiness Advice30th October 2019What Every Business Should Be Asking Before Swapping to LPG

For decades, oil has been considered the fuel of choice for off-grid businesses. However, price volatility over the years matched with rising environmental pressures mean the likes of LPG (liquified petroleum gas), LNG (liquified natural gas) and renewables ar

5 Reasons Why SME’s Should Provide Business Life InsuranceBusiness Advice28th October 20195 Reasons Why SME’s Should Provide Business Life Insurance

Charlie Cousins, Director of Hooray Health & Protection talks to us about the Business Life Insurance market and why employers that aren’t providing it are missing out.

What is Asset Finance and How Could it Benefit Your Business?Business Advice23rd October 2019What is Asset Finance and How Could it Benefit Your Business?

If you have had trouble securing a loan from the bank, you’re not alone. It is becoming harder to obtain a traditional form of funding as many banking institutes seem reluctant to offer affordable loans to small businesses. All is not lost, though, as it mig

Put the Phone Down and Avoid the PointsBusiness Advice15th October 2019Put the Phone Down and Avoid the Points

With laws in the UK becoming even more stringent in regard to using your mobile phone behind the wheel, understanding the legalities is crucial. In this article, along with Lookers, who stock the New Ford Transit, we take a look at how you can use your tech wi

The economics of exercise: A lack of employee physical activity costs UK businesses up to £6.6 billionBusiness Advice9th October 2019The economics of exercise: A lack of employee physical activity costs UK businesses up to £6.6 billion

AXA PPP healthcare urges UK businesses to prioritise employees’ mental and physical health by encouraging and supporting staff to find the time to exercise.

How to safeguard your hotel effectivelyBusiness Advice8th October 2019How to safeguard your hotel effectively

Whether already owning, or in the process of running, your own hotelier business, one aspect which should always be at the forefront for every hotel is safety, and your guests’ safety is paramount to your business. Here, we offer a brief overview of how you
