Category: Business News
Showing page 14 of 45 with 267 matching results.

When Nicola Bidgood opened Westcountry HR, she did so with a passion for the sector that would lead her to tremendous achievements.

With the recent developments in our economy upon emerging from the pandemic, many companies, big or small, have started to struggle. Whether it be with how to handle your finances and benefit plans for their employees, or how to establish a workplace that cate

As Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced measures intended to lift the UK economy in the Spring Budget, data from iwoca highlights what small businesses were most worried about as they entered 2023.

A STUDY has revealed that despite widespread concern over costs to businesses and record-high utility bills, 95% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are overlooking obvious cost savings, with the most neglected being water bills.

Lead generation and sales prospecting are two core activities for most businesses, but distinguishing between them can be tricky. Understanding the differences can help bring order to your marketing and sales strategies.

Small and medium sized businesses (‘SMEs’) face an unclear future. Hit with high interest rates, supply chain issues, increases in wages and a worsening cost-of-living crisis while at the same time demand for working capital has reached unprecedented level