Category: News
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Businesses without an effective SEO strategy are saying ‘no thank you’ to thousands of potential customers - whilst their savvier competitors swoop in and take advantage.
Building a proactive incident management doesn’t mean you’re manifesting for the worst to happen. You’re simply safeguarding your business and ensuring it can effectively respond to and mitigate potential challenges, which, trust me, are nume
Amid reports that SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) will receive a further 10% in government funding in 2024, some investors are turning their attention towards the potential of SMES, which have proven to be pivotal in both innovation and growth. With
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of the UK economy, in fact they account for 99% of all private sector businesses, contributing significantly to innovation, employment, and economic growth.
The AI boom is set to spread far and wide in 2024, with a reported 77% of global businesses utilising AI. However, it’s reported that only 29% of startups / small businesses have adopted the tool as yet, citing lack of expertise as their main reason for not
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 16 represents a significant shift in the accounting of lease agreements for companies reporting under IFRS.