To put it succinctly, Gemma Angharad is one of those rare talents in an industry that boasts of many. Yet, here, “marketing mastermind” proves a worthy moniker, highlighting Gemma’s strengths as a revolutionary tool for any SME currently in business – regardless of size, industry or location. Eager to find out more, we spoke to Gemma to pick her brains on what makes the world of modern business truly ‘tick’.
The marketing industry is a swiftly growing one, finding new avenues for growth in this technology-driven age. Equally, it is also an industry that is struggling to redefine itself in the wake of vast paradigm shifts. Some see it as a crucial element of their business, whilst others see it as a money-sink, a judgement burdened by historic misconceptions. Marketing is many things, and today it is certainly a very different beast to what it has been in the past. It has evolved, adapted and matured to become integral to sustained business growth. For SMEs in particular, it pays to have a finger on the pulse of your business and to understand that, occasionally, it needs an expert eye to see the problems that you don’t.
As Gemma herself puts it, “the purpose of Gemma Angharad is to provide SMEs with a full and unbreakable strategy to create competitive advantages and stabilise future growth. The business exists because so many companies cope with structural fractures that go ignored, as nobody knows how to repair them so that they are completely solid again. Think of this as your 360-degree repair kit and a high-end builder – in one.”
Highly motivated from the outset, Gemma specialises in companies that lack a return on investment in their marketing strategies, but to stop there would do a disservice to her breadth of expertise. “I often work with companies that have poor internal communication, with staff who don’t understand each other’s frustrations. They lack someone with theoretical and handson business experience – someone to be the central hub of the business. More than all of that, I’m highly result-driven, with a particular talent for implementing growth-driven marketing.”