Asking to guest blog on another person’s website is a great way to get your content in front of a new audience. Not only will you be able to share your ideas with readers who might not have come across them before, but you’ll also gain exposure to the blog’s existing followers.
In order to increase the chances that your request will be accepted, link building experts Niche Inbound suggest you follow these tips:
1. Research the blog and its audience
Make sure that your content is a good fit for the blog’s style and target audience. What topics does the blog cover? What are its core values? Who is its target audience? Once you have a good understanding of the blog, draft a pitch that outlines why you would be a good fit as a guest blogger and what post ideas you have in mind.
In your pitch, be sure to mention any relevant experience you have or connections you have with the blog’s audience. For example, if you are an expert in SEO and the blog covers SEO topics, mention that in your pitch. If you are personal friends with the blog’s author, mention that as well.
Finally, be concise and make your pitch easy to read. Bullet points work well here.
2. Write a well-crafted email
Be clear about what you would like to contribute and why you think your content would be valuable for their readers. Crafting an email pitch to a blog editor can be daunting, but if you follow a few simple tips, you can make it easy and painless.
First, make sure that you pitch a topic that would be of interest to the blog’s readers. If you’re not sure, do a little research and see what kinds of articles the blog publishes.
Next, take the time to personalize the email. Be sure to include the name of the blog editor and mention something that you like about their blog.
Then, get to the point. Briefly introduce your topic and explain why you think it would be a good fit for their blog. Offer to send them a draft of the article if they’re interested.
Finally, be patient. Don’t expect an immediate response – most editors are inundated with requests from writers. But if you follow these tips, you should hear back eventually.
3. Be Polite and Respectful
Remember that the blogger is taking time out of their day to read your email – be appreciative!
When asking a blog owner if you can write a guest post for their blog, always be polite and respectful.
Thank them for considering your request, and let them know that you would be happy to provide them with some additional information if needed. If they approve your request, be sure to follow their guidelines for submitting your guest post.
4. Follow Up if Necessary
Don’t be afraid to reach out again if you don’t hear back within a few days (but don’t spam them, either). If you haven’t heard back from the blog owner after a reasonable amount of time (say, two weeks), feel free to follow up via email or social media. Mention that you’re following up on your guest blog pitch, and inquire about the status of your submission.
By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to getting your content published on a great blog. Happy writing!