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Posted 11th January 2024

Paperless is the New Normal: A Guide to Electronic Signature

Paperless is the New Normal: A Guide to Electronic Signature Have you ever felt frustrated signing paperwork? Dealing with piles of papers can take time and effort. Thanks to arising technologies, there is now a better way – electronic signature or e-signatures. E-signatures provide a digital alternative to physical signatures. They allow documents to be […]

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paperless is the new normal: a guide to electronic signature.

Paperless is the New Normal: A Guide to Electronic Signature

Paperless is the New Normal: A Guide to Electronic Signature

Have you ever felt frustrated signing paperwork? Dealing with piles of papers can take time and effort. Thanks to arising technologies, there is now a better way – electronic signature or e-signatures.

E-signatures provide a digital alternative to physical signatures. They allow documents to be signed electronically without the hassle of printing, scanning, or mailing. In this era of advancements, many companies and individuals are adopting e-signatures. 

By the time you finish reading, you will grasp signatures and how they can enhance your productivity while saving valuable time and resources. 

What is an Electronic Signature?

An e-signature, which stands for signature is a term used to describe any sound, symbol or method connected to or linked with a document to indicate the signers agreement, with the content. E-signatures offer an alternative, to the practice of signing paper documents.

E-signatures involve digitally applying a unique code or marker to a document to indicate identity and intent. For instance individuals can input their name utilize an identification and password or create a signature on a touchscreen to sign” a form—moreover, e-signatures record supplementary details such as the signing date, time, and device specifics.

Like physical signatures, e-signatures are essential for validating consent and establishing an identity in electronic business transactions. They aim to provide legally valid proof that the signer acknowledged and agreed to the contents of a digital document. With their added convenience in today’s digital workplace, e-signatures are rapidly gaining popularity worldwide.

How to Use Electronic Signatures

Using electronic signatures is quite simple. The signing process usually involves a few basic steps:

First, the document to be signed is converted into a digital format, if not already electronic. It can be a PDF, Word doc, website form, or image file.

The signer will then be prompted to “sign” by inputting their e-signature. Common methods include:

  • Typing a name.
  • Drawing on a touchscreen.
  • Uploading a pre-saved signature image.
  • Using a digital ID for authentication.

Once signed, the document is timestamped with details of the signing such as date, time, and signer’s identity information. This serves as proof of intent and acceptance.

Many e-signature solutions allow real-time collaborative signing, where signers can review, sign, and pass docs electronically. Paperless workflows have greatly shortened processing times.

Some also offer advanced features like customized signing workflows and audit trails to track all activities. With the click of a button, signing can be swiftly completed from any digital device.

That in brief is how electronic signatures integrate seamlessly into modern signing processes!

Benefits of Electronic Signatures

Here are some of the key benefits of electronic signatures:

  • Increased efficiency: E-signatures streamline processes by eliminating the need for printing, scanning, mailing, and storing paper. This saves significant time and costs.
  • Convenience: With e-signatures, documents can be signed anywhere using desktops, tablets, or smartphones. This provides added flexibility.
  • Speed: Electronic workflows allow simultaneous reviews and near-instant signing. Documents can move much faster digitally than by mail.
  • Security: E-signature solutions ensure documents are securely signed, and many offer advanced features like audit trails to prove document integrity.
  • Legality: Laws like ESIGN and UETA in many countries have established the validity of e-signatures, giving them legal standing equal to handwritten signatures.
  • Collaboration: Shared signing allows multiple signers to quickly review, sign, and pass docs electronically from different locations.
  • Customization: E-signature tools provide customizable signing workflows and detailed reports tailored to business needs.
  • Storage: Electronically signed documents can be digitally stored, archived, and easily retrieved, taking up minimal physical space.
  • Environment friendliness: Being paperless, e-signatures help reduce paper usage and are better for the environment.

Overcoming Common Misconceptions About Electronic Signatures

Here are some common misconceptions about electronic signatures and how to overcome them:

  • Misconception: Handwritten signatures are more legally binding than E-signatures.
  • Fact: Laws like ESIGN and UETA established that e-signatures have equal legal validity as long as appropriate security measures are followed.
  • Misconception: E-signatures reduce security and open doors to forgery.
  • Fact: Leading e-signature software uses secure authentication methods like digital certificates to ensure signer identity and document integrity. Features like audit trails also deter forgeries.
  • Misconception: E-signatures are difficult to implement and require technical expertise.
  • Fact: Modern e-signature tools have intuitive interfaces; most allow signing on any device without installation. Systems are often managed by service providers, too.
  • Misconception: E-signatures do not support customized signing workflows.
  • Fact: Advanced platforms offer features to customize workflows per business needs with options for parallel, sequential, or conditional signing.
  • Misconception: E-documents signed electronically cannot be reliably stored long-term.
  • Fact: Signed files can be securely stored digitally for years without quality loss, and archived e-documents are easily retrievable.
  • Misconception: Physical signatures are more personal than digital options.
  • Fact: Most services support uploading custom signature images to replicate personal signing styles electronically.


We hope this guide explains how electronic signatures can benefit your business. E-signatures streamline processes, save costs, and allow signing from anywhere. They provide a legally-sound paperless option for agreements.

If you’re ready to replace wet signatures with a digital solution, consider starting your free 30-day DocuSign trial today. With no credit card required, you can test their e-signature capabilities risk-free. Click to sign up and experience improved workflows with easy electronic signing!

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