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Posted 28th October 2024

The Human Elements of Agile Software Development

The agile methodology has been widely adopted by the software development industry and is used by software developers and teams to ensure the best outcome for any project. And while much of software development is focused on the technical aspects of a new software or existing system, there are key human elements of the agile […]

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the human elements of agile software development.

The Human Elements of Agile Software Development

The agile methodology has been widely adopted by the software development industry and is used by software developers and teams to ensure the best outcome for any project. And while much of software development is focused on the technical aspects of a new software or existing system, there are key human elements of the agile approach that contribute towards the overall success of a software development project. In this article we delve into these vital elements and discuss their impact on the growth, learning and development of a team.

Team Collaboration

Collaboration is one of the key principles of the agile methodology. Its approach encourages teams to work together to deliver progress in small increments. Within software development this allows each member of the team to play their part in the process of the project, whilst working closely with other team members to ensure consistent progress and peer review.

Collaboration helps to ensure that everyone is held accountable for their role within the team, but also encourages a positive working environment for developers and team leaders.

Open Communication

To allow for a collaborative environment, teams must embrace open and honest communication. Ensuring everyone is kept up to date with the progress of the project, receives and understands all feedback, whether this is peer-provided or client feedback, and the progress of the project is always moving forward rather than falling behind.

Open communication helps to build the foundations of a happy and productive team, capable of achieving the best possible outcomes for all clients and customers.

Continuous Feedback

Providing total transparency for the client allows for continuous feedback and the chance to improve and make changes as the project progresses. Leaving little room for mistakes or major edits and amends towards the end of the project. .By receiving feedback continuously and having an open dialogue with the client means teams can remain on task at all times and deliver business critical solutions that work to address the needs or challenges of any client.

This involves establishing rapport and fostering relationships with external stakeholders. Agile software development teams should implement effective communication channels with clients and stakeholders to facilitate optimal collaboration and provide opportunities for feedback.

Flexibility & Adaptability

With this approach, agile software development requires teams to be flexible and be capable of adapting to quick changes and project developments. Developers must have the ability to listen and understand the needs of clients whilst being able to implement whatever edits/amends are required, at any point in the project.

For teams that are new to the agile methodology, simply must be open and willing to adapt to this new approach of working. Focusing on the benefits it can provide both the team, business and clients.

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