Let us set the scene – you’re a pet parent, and your pup is refusing to touch their food. Nothing’s changed, they’re perfectly healthy, and yet they won’t go near their bowl. How do you fix it? If you answered ‘change their food’ then you’re halfway there. The other half is what may surprise you – change their food to natural, raw food. Though it may sound strange, we delve into how Stef Peel discovered the benefits of raw food through her lovely lady Skye, and how their adventure together would go on to reshape the natural pet food market forever. This is their raw story – a story that begins with Skye, and ends with the creation of the Best Natural Pet Food Supplier 2024, Stefs Pet Pantry.
For all forms of life on this earth, proper nutrition is essential. Though we may not think too hard about it when it comes to animals, that doesn’t detract from the fact that, just like us, they need a proper diet in order to thrive. This sentiment is one that lies at the core of award-winning Stefs Pet Pantry – SME Magazine’s pick for the title of Best Natural Pet Food Supplier 2024. Keeping pets fed, healthy, and thriving is what powers the businesses, in tandem with its compassionate commitment to being a mouthpiece for pets everywhere, and it’s what has enabled it to totally reform how we see pet food as a whole.
As pet parents, we always expect typical foods to include all of the nutritional benefits needed to keep our fur babies frolicking around without a care in the world. Unfortunately, not all pets are receptive to these foods, be it due to allergies, health conditions, or plain and simple fussiness. Regardless, in such instances, Stefs Pet Pantry promises to introduce owners to a variety of options unlike anything the market has managed to match. Transparent about sourcing, pricing, and ethics, the business grants customers an abundance of choice, all in the pursuit of guaranteeing full bellies and wagging tails.
Stef herself goes into the details – “Our products are handpicked, and the unique and varied choice gives our customers the ultimate control over their shopping experience. Whether they need a particular protein, texture, size ,or price point, we can help them. They are also in control of the delivery date, as they choose this at the checkout. This is also a unique part of our business, giving the customer the choice of when, 6 days a week!” And yet, this level of convenience is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Stefs Pet Pantry.
To truly understand why the business has become such a phenomenon, we must delve a little deeper, and it’s here that we turn our attention to the beloved – and greatly missed – Skye. The reason for Stefs Pet Pantry’s very existence, Skye was Stef’s world. A lovely fox red lab who, uncharacteristically for a labrador, showed little to no interest in food. Try as she might, Stef just couldn’t get her to settle on something she liked. She burned through brand after brand of conventional tinned food, sampled all of the kibble she could find, and even attempted to make the switch to ham and chicken.
Of course, Skye was having none of it. After three days on a new type of food, she’d soon start turning her nose up. Though some thought it was comically ironic to have a picky labrador, it was causing Stef an abundance of stress and worry. Skye was a working dog – an energetic girl who put 100% into working the fields of Stef’s home. After all, it’s what she was bred for, and it was clear Skye wouldn’t let an empty stomach deter her. Except, after roughly nine years, her hard working lifestyle and unfortunate eating habits finally caught up to her.
After suffering spondylitis of the spine – a condition that resulted in total muscle wastage in her back end, and later crippling arthritis – Skye was forced to retire. At this point, Stef was at a loss. With Skye’s deteriorating health, and her reluctance to even look at a bowl of food, it would take a breakthrough to nurse her back to the health she deserved to have at nine years of age. It was at this point that Stef happened upon the idea of feeding Skye raw food. Nowadays, it seems like a go-to solution, but, at the time, all Stef had to go off of were forums, horror stories, and mixed opinions.
But with no other options, Stef took the leap and purchased some raw food – if still a little unsettled by the thought of it – and got to preparing Skye her very first serving. It was here that everything changed. Skye wasn’t just interested; she was dancing for her food! Tail wagging, feet tapping – it was more than Stef could’ve ever hoped for. From that first portion, neither of them looked back. Skye had finally found the food for her, and Stef was determined to spread the word that, no matter your pet’s preferences, raw food would get them to eat without fail.
Though, at the time, it was an uncertain decision, Skye was able to live another incredible seven years, and it’s all thanks to Stef’s astounding discovery. Now, Skye remains the heart of Stefs Pet Pantry – a symbol of understanding the fear that can come with your pet refusing to eat, and the hope that accompanies watching them finally wolf down something they love. Stef and Skye’s story is a beautiful one indeed, and it’s what will always encourage Stefs Pet Pantry forward as it continues its journey toward providing pet parents with the nutritional foods they need.
It’s incredible to learn that one story can make all the difference, but that’s exactly what Stef and Skye’s story has done. Through living and learning, the pair uncovered the vast benefits of raw food, ultimately inspiring Stef to create what we now see today – Stefs Pet Pantry, the Best Natural Pet Food Supplier 2024. We sincerely wish Stef all the best as she continues her journey with Stefs Pet Pantry. We’re sure Skye is carefully watching over all of the pets the brand has saved through its selection of sublime, all-natural food.
For business enquiries contact Stef Peel from Stefs Pet Pantry on their website – https://www.stefspetpantry.com/