Working at height has always been a dangerous occupation. In fact, the single biggest cause of death in the workplace is falls from height. The sad truth is that many of these accidents could have been prevented had the correct safety equipment and training being implemented and utilised.
For people who work at height using powered access equipment, this means being trained to the standards of IPAF. Companies who choose not to do this not only risk the health and wellbeing of their employees, but they also put their business at risk. If you want to know more about IPAF training and why it’s important for ensuring safety, then keep reading below:
What is IPAF Training?
The acronym IPAF stands for the International Powered Access Federation. This organisation oversees the safety of people working at height using powered lifting equipment. This can include equipment like boom lifting aids and scissors.
Why is Powered Access Needed?
While many businesses use scaffolding or static towers to gain access to hard to reach areas, this isn’t always the best option. For example, if you’re working in an area where heights vary or your working in a location where a lot of moving around is required, powered access is a much better choice. Not only is it much easier to use, but it also stops you from having to climb about to access hard to reach areas.
In these types of jobs, the less tower and ladder work undertaken the better. Ladder and tower work is often very tiring and as many employers (and employees) know, tiredness can kill. But tiredness isn’t the only danger to be wary of when working at height; a lack of training can also lead to accidents too. This is where IPAF training comes in.
IPAF Training Makes for a Safe Workplace
Employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees, but employees also have a responsibility to the company, their work friends, and themselves.
The single biggest cause of death in the workplace is falling from height. Evidence has shown that many of these deaths could have been prevented had the right training been given and the right safety equipment used. This means that businesses need to ensure that all of their employees stay up to date with the latest training, advice and regulations.
Eagle Platforms have working at height courses that are fully approved and endorsed by the UK Contractors Group and HSE. Their PASMA qualification is recognised in the construction industry as the approved qualification for working at height on a mobile access tower.
Many employees become complacent when they use the same equipment on a daily basis, so it never hurts to remind them just how dangerous the equipment they’re using can be.
Accidents at work are more common than you’d think. While there’s no doubt that many of these incidents occur because of an unfortunate set of circumstances that are beyond anyone’s control, often, many of these incidents could have been avoided. IPAF training can help employees fill gaps in their knowledge and allow them to work much more safely at height.