Winner of the Greater London Enterprise Awards.
Adlink International (1989) Media Group
Adlink International (1989) Media Group is one of the 2019 winners of the SME Greater London Enterprise Awards.

About Adlink International (1989) Media Group
Best International Advertising Services Business 2019
<p>Founded byMr Shamlal Puri theLondon-basedAdlink International (1989) Media Group is marking 30 years of presence in international advertising.Ranked among 20th Century pioneers in international advertisingwe have worked for many UK and international clients booking their advertisementscorporate, recruitment foreign students and personnel, real estate,legals, tenders, in print, broadcast – radio, TV, outdoor, advertising and contract publishing. We have helped UK exporters with international marketing solutions and a good Return of Investment.We are active in Africa, Asia, the Indian-sub-continent, the Middle East, the Far East, the Pacific and the Caribbean region. Eastern Europe. We also book ads in the UK. or</p>