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Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters,
1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent
Staffordshire, DE14 1LS

Winner of the UK Enterprise Awards.

Honest Communications

Honest Communications is one of the 2020 winners of the SME UK Enterprise Awards.

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About Honest Communications

PR Agency of the Year 2020 – Midlands

At Honest Communications, we deliver strategic campaigns that generate coverage, increase reach and put brands in front of the right people. We devise and implement communications and PR strategies to help brands shape and manage their reputation, drive website traffic and boost engagement. In a world of jargon and confusing lingo, we strip everything back and deliver what every brand needs - a simple, honest way of communicating with customers to drive more business. We do through this through four services: • Public relations • Content creation • Social media management • Tone of voice workshops and development. www.honestcommunications.co.uk
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