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Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters,
1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent
Staffordshire, DE14 1LS

Winner of the UK Enterprise Awards.

Foot Kindness

Foot Kindness is one of the 2020 winners of the SME UK Enterprise Awards.

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About Foot Kindness

Best Foot Health Practitioner – West Midlands

<p>My name is Michelle, I’m the business owner for Foot Kindness. Foot Kindness started trading back in November 2016. Many people say to me; “Michelle why on earth do you want to touch someone else’s feet?” </p> <p>Here are the 2 reasons why; </p> <p>1. l love helping people, many are experiencing pain from their foot conditions. So I like to help people feel fabulous &#038; proud of their feet. </p> <p>2. l find feet fascinating. You can learn so much about a person’s state of health by just looking at their feet. Why not treat yourself today: &#8211; </p> <p>michelle@footkindness.com </p> <p>www.footkindness.com</p>
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