Winner of the Southern Enterprise Awards.
Grey Matter Learning Limited
Grey Matter Learning Limited is one of the 2020 winners of the SME Southern Enterprise Awards.

About Grey Matter Learning Limited
Leading Providers of Social Care eLearning 2020 – Berkshire
<p>Our mission is to Improve Lives Through Learning. We know a one-size-fits-all training<br />
approach wastes time, money and demotivates people. We constantly challenge the age-old<br />
concept of sheep-dip learning. </p>
<p>Since 2006, we have delivered our vision of valuing individuals’ prior knowledge and experience,<br />
enabling care providers to take staff through personalised learning journeys, whilst evidencing<br />
competence. </p>
<p>Our trademark “Know, Understand, Do” methodology is behind our online learning system, Click,<br />
leading the way in recording evidence-based learning and Care Certificate portability.</p>
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