Winner of the UK Enterprise Awards.
Rotherham Advocacy Partnerships
Rotherham Advocacy Partnerships is one of the 2020 winners of the SME UK Enterprise Awards.

About Rotherham Advocacy Partnerships
Best Adult Learning Disability Support Advocacy 2020 – South Yorkshire
<p>People with learning disabilities/difficulties are amongst the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in our<br />
society and if they are to have a voice and participate fully in their communities, the advocacy support<br />
provided by RAP for individuals and families is critical. Needs of clients are largely the same as for any of us:<br />
somewhere decent to live; reasonable income; family life; good health care; freedom from bullying and<br />
exploitation. These are difficult to achieve for most of us and therefore without support provided by<br />
advocacy on these crucial issues many LD adults have extremely limited opportunities to make<br />
improvements to their lives.</p>
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