Winner of the Southern Enterprise Awards.
Somerset Farmers Markets Ltd
Somerset Farmers Markets Ltd is one of the 2020 winners of the SME Southern Enterprise Awards.

About Somerset Farmers Markets Ltd
Best Multi-Site Farmers Market 2020
<p>Somerset Farmers Markets have been organising farmers market since 1999 in locations around the county enabling over 80 local farmers and food producers to sell their fresh high quality produce directly to the public in lively and welcoming monthly market events.Our Farmers Markets are a chance to connect with the cheesemakers,farmers,bakers,brewers,foragers,beekeepers,vegetable growers,orchard keepers and cider makers whilst supporting the rural economy in a very enjoyable and tasty way!<br />
Visit for more information about our markets.<br />
Facebook &#8211; SomersetFarmersMarkets<br />
Instagram- somersetfarmersmarketsuk</p>