Winner of the UK Enterprise Awards.
The Ruff & Ruby Roomz
The Ruff & Ruby Roomz is one of the 2020 winners of the SME UK Enterprise Awards.

About The Ruff & Ruby Roomz
Youth Empowerment Charity of the Year 2020
Best Social Enterprise & Entrepreneurial Venture Space: The Ruff & Ruby Roomz
<p>RUFF &#038; RUBY [RUBYGIRL ft. RUFF DIAMONDZ) is an urban youth charity based in SOT (no.1153387)</p>
<p> We engage, energise &#038; empower disadvantaged ‘vulnerable’ young people to realise their value, reach their potential &#038; in turn re:frame their individual world by promoting positive self esteem &#038; aspirations through innovative programs &#038; services that INFUSE VALUE ,PURPOSE &#038; SIGNIFICANCE through a daily collaboration of 1:1 solution focused life coaching &#038; topic based roadshows , mental health interventions, VIP (valued individual person) Life lifts ,being acts of kindness / practical support for young people in severe poverty such as transformational bedroom makeovers, employability &#038; work readiness skills / experience within our award winning community hub / social enterprise being The Ruff &#038; Rubyrooms @ Intu Potteries.</p>
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