Winner of the Southern Enterprise Awards.
Ultimate Diving
Ultimate Diving is one of the 2019 winners of the SME Southern Enterprise Awards.

About Ultimate Diving
Best Destination Dive Destination Holiday Operator 2019
<p><em>Ultimate Diving are the proud leaders in long haul, luxury and tailor-made diving holidays offered alongside an excellent, knowledgeable and personal service. Our mission is to be held in the highest regard by the customers of the diving industry for offering safe and exciting experiences. We are unique on how we organise diving holidays always offering new and diving locations across the globe. We are focussed not only on building exceptional trips, but also on working with the most professional local dive operators and hoteliers and the benefits our holidays can bring to local communities through redistribution of wealth. This way of working promotes conservation, empowers locals and businesses to grow and deliver a real benefit to local community and generates long-term benefits to the ocean.</em></p>