Category: Legal & Compliance
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Fraud management requires the implementation of various strategies to ensure that a minimal amount of funds is lost and any potential losses are avoided. These methods include tracking financial transactions involving the business, assessment of the security p

Humans accumulate innumerable belongings in their lifetime, from your name, education, professional stature, house, vehicle and wealth. And the list goes on. However, the only physical testimony to your belonging(s) is the legal document attached to it. Any la

Late payment is the most common problem that SMEs face. But it doesn’t have to be.

A sufficiently serious injury can seriously impede a person’s ability to work. This applies especially if the job is a physically demanding one, or if the injury in question was sustained while on the job. As well the physical difficulty, however, it’s imp

2020 was the year of the unprecedented. Covid-19’s impact on the property market simply couldn’t have been prepared for and, despite the damage caused, property professionals have poured their efforts into recovery. What 2021 represents therefore, is a cru

After sweeping coronavirus lockdowns have shifted protocols and priorities alike, many businesses have had a last-minute embrace of remote working as a safer, alternative to being in the office. Some are even forecasting this is a long term, potentially, norma